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Achetez-vous ICI le guide complet de l'art de rue en Europe... Un véritable manuel pour ceux qui veulent en savoir plus sur le spectacle de rue européenne ou ceux qui doit trouver de nouveaux canaux pour diffuser leurs activités au niveau international.


24 et 25 février 2021, édition en ligne. L'appel pour artistes et compagnies a été fermée le 16 janvier. L'inscription des directeurs des festivals restera ouverte du 19 janvier au 17 février 2021.

Mysteries & Drolls EU Showcase 2021


Call out for applications to the second (online)

International Showcase of the Mysteries and Drolls project

brought to you by Festival of Fools, Belfast, UK.



In February 2021 Festival of Fools will host the second International Showcase of the Mysteries and Drolls project seeking to revive the European Popular Theatre, rediscovering ancient street theatre and the role of the buffoon through the contemporary theater work. We have closed the artists & companies applications the 16th January 2021 with 97 applications from 22 european countries. The proposals came from the sectors like street theatre, puppetry, contemporary circus, contemporary dance, performance. 25 of these will be selected for the showcase.


What is the showcase?
The showcase is an online industry event, an opportunity for programmers to see street theatre work and for artists to meet programmers. The aim is to create programming opportunities for festivals, and bookings for artists. The showcase will be attended by at least 30 international programmers from a range of European countries who will each be seeking to book at least one show from those featured.


When will it happen?
The showcase will be presented by Festival of Fools on the 24th and 25th February 2021, from approximately 10am to 3pm each day (UK time). If selected as Artist or Company, you will need to participate in half a day of online activity with us on one of these days. If selected as Festival Organiser or Programmer, you can stay with us for the entire two-day program. There will be the opportunity for programmers to network together informally and participate in group discussion. We are working hard to make the days as varied and engaging as possible.


What is involved?
During the event we will be screening trailers of the selected shows, and the show creators will take part in a hosted Q&A attended by festival directors and programmers. For Artists & Companies: One-person shows receive a fee of € 100,00 for participating, duos receive € 200,00 and trios receive € 300,00. For programmers: The first 30 organisations to register for a place will receive a contribution of € 100,00 after they have attended the event and completed a very short survey.


What are we looking for?
Artists & Companies: We are looking for shows created by performers from all European countries, but we particularly welcome applications from the project partner countries: Germany, Italy, Spain, Poland and the UK. We are looking for one-person shows, duos and trios only. The senior creative teams of Festival of Fools and Open Street aisbl (Bruxelles) will choose which shows will be included in the showcase. Festival & Programmers: Two of the aims of the M&D project are to create opportunities for artists and to support artists’ mobility. We therefore hope that each organiser will book at least one of the acts they see in the showcase for work in the future. Only festivals who pay artists are eligible to participate.


Who can apply?
Artists & Companies. To be eligible for selection you must meet the following criteria:
1. Your work must be in line with the artistic aims of the project. We welcome contemporary and traditional work equally.
2. Your 2 – 3 minute trailer must be of good technical quality, so that we can see and hear your show clearly. It should feature one show, not lots of different shows.
3. You must be available to attend the online Q&A on 24 or 25 February 2021.
4. Your show must be ready to tour from April 2021 at the latest.
Festival & Programmers: We welcome programmers from all European countries, but we are particularly keen to hear from festivals from the project partner countries: Germany, Italy, Spain, Poland and the UK.


Deadline: Registration for Programmers opens on 19th January and close on 17th February 2021


Do you have the requirements to participate? What are you waiting for?!!! Go immediately to the registration page and submit your application as programmer.




Please download and read carefully this international call !



OPEN STREET TUBE, les archives vidéo du Spectacle Européen

Le lieu de rencontre entre ceux qui vendent et ceux qui achètent des spectacles forains

TÉLÉCHARGEZ vos propres productions et mettez-les en évidence dans OPEN STREET TUBE pour les proposer dans les festivals européens.

PARTICIPEZ à les vitrines internationales périodiques pour tester en linge l'intérêt des opérateurs dans vos propositions artistiques.

Ouvrir les portes de la ville au spectacle vivant c'est faire ressortir la valeur des espaces en plein air consacrés à la vie sociale, faire valoriser la cohésion à l'intérieur des communautés, améliorer l'activité touristique locale, créer de nouvelles voies pour l'échange et l'intégration entre les pays européens.

La création d'un débat international, les comparaisons entre les règlements et les lois, entre les différents moyens de développement urbain et des politiques pour le progrés et le soutien du spectacle vivant, conduiront à une nouvelle conscience et produiront une nouvelle impulsion chez les administrateurs et les opérateurs du secteur. Cet itinéraire n'a pas pu être mené sur un simple niveau régional ou local. Notre pays, maintenant, c'est l'Europe!

Creative Commons License

OPEN STREET - Anno 2024 - Association International Sans But Lucratif - Rue Washington 40, Ixelles - 1050 Bruxelles (BE) - infoopen-street.eu