Creative Europe Cooperation Webinar
Webinar on preparing applications and building partnerships in the Performing Arts sector for the Creative Europe call expiring on 23th February 2023.
Open Street aisbl organizes a two-day webinar on Wednesday 25th and Friday 27th January 2023. The meeting will be aimed to understand all the theoretical and practical aspects of the last Creative Europe Call - Cooperation Projects in order to prepare good applications by the deadline of February 23th, 2023.
Open Street is a performing arts network that embraces Europe and has been successful with EU culture tenders countless times. One of its tasks is to bring together organizations from all countries of the continent in the performing arts sector and to foster the creation of new partnerships. That's why the initiative at the end of January is not just a workshop but a cultural cooperation event.
The meeting will take place on Zoom platform. In the two afternoons it will be possible to follow and participate to the work in English, Italian and French, thanks to the provision of 3 different audio channels within the platform and the simultaneous translation carried out by professional interpreters.
Wednesday 25th January 2023
14:30 First session
# Context: Direct funding from UE
# Features of Creative Europe 2021-2027
Aims and Priorities of CE programme
Requirements and terms for participation
The opportunities for the performing arts
Analysis of 2021-2022 assignments
16:15 Break
16:30 Second session
# Cooperation Projects
Large, Medium and Small Scale
The programme priorities in the cooperation projects
Evaluation criteria
EXERCISE 1 (working teams): to build up an efficient partnership
18:00 Third Session
# How to compose a successful application
The approach to the application dossier and to the Funding & Tenders platform
How to describe the project
How to compose an activity plan
19:00 Break
19:15 Fourth session
EXERCISE 2 (working teams): From the concept to the application
20:00 End of webinar day-1
Friday 27th January 2023
14:30 Fifth session
# Grant management
The financial regulation of EU programmes
Accounting and eligible costs
Reports and account statements
16:15 Break
16:30 Sixth session
EXERCISE 3 (working teams): The financial management of project
17:30 Seventh Session
# Build up your partnership with Open Street aisbl
Presentation of activities of participating entities
Aims of cooperation in the ambit of performing arts
Strategies and good practices of cooperation
EXERCISE 4 (working teams): Sharing and implementation of projects concepts
19:00 End of webinar