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General view on Street Arts in Essone

by Laurent Bourdereau - 17/06/2010

General view on the street show et consideration oh street arts in Essonne

STUDY - Subject: Politics


Basque Street Arts Catalog

by Artekale - 17/06/2010

This catalogue has been put together by the association and includes the companies and festivals that enrich the fertile fi eld of Street Arts in the Basque Country on a daily basis. Street arts companies, artists and public bodies make up this map whose imaginary lines intertwine to give shape to the current scene of urban art.

DATA - Subject: Artists


Basque Street Arts Adress

by Artekale - 17/06/2010

This address book has been put together by the association and includes the companies and festivals that enrich the fertile fi eld of Street Arts in the Basque Country on a daily basis.

DATA - Subject: Artists


Arts de la Rue en France

by Silvie Pradayrol - 19/06/2010

Presentazione della situazione dell'Arte di Strada in Francia a cura di Sylvie Pradayrol della Federazione Francese dell'Arte di Strada

PRESENTATION - Subject: Politics


Polish-German Association for Culture Exchange

by Magdalena Ziomek Beims - 20/06/2010

Presentazione della Associazione tedesca AgitPolska a cura di Magdalena Ziomek Beims. L'ente si occupa di promuovere lo scambio di esperienze artistiche tra la Germania e la Polonia.

PRESENTATION - Subject: Associations


Festival dei Giovani Saperi (RSM)

by Tomaso Rossini - 19/06/2010

Presentazione del progetto SMIAF, Festival dei Giovani Saperi nella Repubblica di San Marino, a cura di Tomaso Rossini

PRESENTATION - Subject: Festivals


De Tuin der Lusten Association

by Casper de Vries - 19/06/2010

Presentazione dell'Associazione De Tuin der Lusten, coordinata da Casper de Vries. L'ente organizza eventi culturali nei castelli privati dell'Olanda Orientale..

PRESENTATION - Subject: Association


Street Theater and Social Barriers

by Alessio Michelotti - 12/08/2010

Intervento di Alessio Michelotti (FNAS) al simposio Missing author! - Literature based street theatre in Europe organizzato presso Theaterkontor di Brema, in occasione di LA STRADA International Straßenzirkusfestival, il 12 Agosto 2010.

PRESENTATION - Subject: Culture and Society

Pagine: 1 - 2 - (3) - 4 - 5











OPEN STREET TUBE, European Performing Art Video Archive

The meeting place for live performances buyers and sellers !!

UPLOAD your productions and highlight them in OPEN STREET TUBE, to propose them on festivals across Europe.

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OPEN STREET - Anno 2024 - Association International Sans But Lucratif - Rue Washington 40, Ixelles - 1050 Bruxelles (BE) - infoopen-street.eu