Comune di Montegranaro (Fermo - I)
Promotions des Arts Forains asbl, Namur (B)
La Strada Straßenzirkusfestival, Bremen (D)
Federazione Naz. Arte di Strada - Rome (I)
Public Boards and Istitutions:
Regione Marche (I);
Provincia di Fermo (I);
Senator für Kultur Bremen (D);
Ville de Namur (B);
Ville de Arles (F);
Ville de Barcelone (E);
Province du Limbourg (B);
Conseil Général de l'Essonne (F);
Ville de Luxembourg (LUX);
Comune di Monterubbiano (I);
Comune di Moresco (I);
Comune di Lapedona (I);
Comune di Porto San Giorgio (I);
Comune di Campofilone (I)
Comune di Fermo (I);
Comune di Ortezzano (I);
Comune di Falerone (I);
Comune di Monte Vidon Corrado (I);
Comune di Servigliano (I);
Comune di Grottazzolina (I);
Comune di Francavilla d'Ete (I).
Local Association for Cultural Promotion:
Associazione Pro loco di Campofilone (I)
Associazione Pro loco di Lapedona (I)
Associazione Pro loco di Ortezzano (I)
Associazione Pro loco di Petritoli (I)
Associazione Pro loco di Grottazzolina (I)
Università degli Studi di Macerata;
Facoltà di Beni Culturali (I).
Theatre Boards & Networks:
Bund. Theater im Öffentlichen Raum (D);
A.M.A.T. Ass. Marchigiana Attività Teatrali (I);
Artserv.net, art services network (D);
AgitPolska e.V. (D).
International Festivals:
Ratataplan Int. Festival, Lessona (I);
Artistiinpiazza, Int. Festival Pennabilli (I);
Ferrara Buskers Festival, Ferrara (I);
Mercantia Int. Festival, Certaldo (I);
Ulicnih Sviraca Festival Novi Sad (SR);
Szárnyas Sárkány Festival, Nyírbátor (HUN);
Tuin der Lusten, Overijssel (NL);
Feta Festival, Gdansk (PL);
Internationaal Straattheaterfestival, Gent (B);
Spraoi Festival, Waterford (IR);
Bath Fringe, Bath (UK).
tuesday 11 / 2 / 2025 | 1353 members
To OPEN the city gates to street arts means to bring out the value of open air spaces assigned to social life, to enforce the cohesion inside communities, to improve the local tourist activity, to create new routes for exchange and integration between European countries.
The creation of a international debate, the comparisons between
normative and laws, different urban patterns and policies for development
and support of street arts, will drive to a new consciousness and
will produce new stimulus in administrators and art operators. This
route could not be undertaken on a simple regional or local level.
Our country, now, is Europe!
Bremen DE, Sibiu RO, Montegranaro IT (June 2018)
Opportunities for artists and companies from Italy, Belgium, Germany, Romania (Deadline 28th February)

Open Street aisbl in partnership with the VEREGRA STREET International Festival (Montegranaro IT – Project Leader), LA STRADA International Street Performance Festival (Bremen DE) and SIBIU International Theatre Festival, working on POETIC INVASION project for the years 2018-2020, with the contribution of the European Community as part of the CREATIVE EUROPE Program. The project's activity plan focuses on the use of unconventional spaces in the performing arts and includes programming, production and training actions.
In this context, in 2018, many opportunities to participate for artists and companies of the most diverse performing arts disciplines are OPEN. In particular for the first edition of the “traveling festival” POETIC INVASION, the events where you can send your application are 3:
- SIBIU International Theater Festival (Sibiu RO), Poetic Invasion Festival, Romanian section (Belgian Year), 08-17 june 2018 (www.sibfest.ro)

- LA STRADA International Street Performance Festival (Bremen DE), Poetic Invasion Festival, German section (Italian Year), 14-17 june 2018 (www.lastrada-bremen.de)

- VEREGRA STREET International Festival (Montegranaro IT), Poetic Invasion Festival, Romanian section (Romanian Year), 22-30 june 2018 (www.veregrastreet.it)

Belfast - UK (4th-7th May 2018)
Opportunities for artists and companies from Italy, Spain, Poland, Germany (Deadline 18th February)

Open Street aisbl supports the Mysteries & Drolls project, an international cooperation project that sees in partnership the Mercantia Festival (Municipality of Certaldo, Italy, Project Leader), the Festival of Folls (Belfast, UK), the production centers Maracaibo Teatro (Elche, Spain), Proscenium (Gliwice, Poland), Tempus Fugit (Lorrach, Germany). The project is developed for 3 years (from 2018 to 2020), with the contribution of the European Community as part of the CREATIVE EUROPE Program. The activity plan of the project focuses on the relationship between sacred and popular theatre and includes programming, production and training activities.
In this context, in 2018, many opportunities to participate for artists and companies of the most diverse performing arts disciplines linked to the theatre and the ancient music, the buffoon, the street arts, or performance derived from sacred representations, are OPEN. In particular for the first edition of the “traveling festival” MYSTERIES & DROLLS, the event where you can send your application is the Festival of Fools (Belfast, Nord Ireland, UK), Mysteries & Drolls Festival, UK section, 4th - 7th May 2018 (www.foolsfestival.com)
To send your application, click the button and fill out the form.
Creative Europe Cooperation Week-End
BRUXELLES - Ven 10 - Sab 11 Novembre 2017

Open Street aisbl organizes a
two-day workshop in Brussels on Friday 10th and Saturday 11th November. The meeting will be organized at the headquarters of association, at
Rue Washington 40, aiming to understand all the theoretical and practical aspects of the last Creative Europe Call - Cooperation Projects – in order to prepare good applications by the deadline of January 18, 2018.
The staff of Open Street aisbl, relying on its own great experience (3 cooperation projects completed until 2012 and further 3 in progress this year), will accompany you in the study of European cooperation rules, in the adoption of the best project management strategies, in the detection of the best European partnerships, in the knowledge of administrative matters, in drafting a good application.
An international meeting dedicated to members, unique in its kind, being dedicated specifically to the performing arts world. It is also an opportunity to get acquainted new partners with the same interests or converging interests.
The countries which until today have confirmed their participation in the Workshop:
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Friday 10th November 2017
10:00 Welcome coffee
10:30 First session
# Context: Direct funding from UE
# Features of Creative Europe 2014-2020
• Aims and Priorities of program
• Requirements and terms for participation
• The opportunities for the performing arts
• Analysis of 2014-2017 assignments
12:00 Break
12:15 Second session
# Cooperation Projects
• Large Scale and Small Scale
• The priorities of program in the cooperation
• Evaluation criteria
EXERCISE 1 (working teams): to build up an efficient partnership
13:30 Lunch break
15:00 Third Session
# How to compose a successful application
• The approach to the E-form
• How to describe the project
• How to compose an activity plan
16:00 Break
16:30 Fourth Session
EXERCISE 2 (working teams): From the concept to the application
18:00 End of activity
Saturday 11th November 2017
10:00 Welcome coffee
10:30 Fifth Session
# Grant management
• The financial regulation of EU programmes
• Accounting and eligible costs
• Contracting
• Reports and account statements
12:00 Break
12:15 Sixth Session
EXERCISE 3 (working teams): The accounting management of project
13:00 Lunch Break
14:30 Seventh Session
# Build up your partnership with Open Street aisbl
• Presentation of activities of participating entities
• Aims of cooperation in the ambit of performing arts
• Strategies and good practices of cooperation
EXERCISE 4 (working teams): Sharing and implementation of project’s concepts
16:30 End of activities
Seat of workshop: Rue Washington 40, 1050 Ixelles - Bruxelles (BE)
Language: The official language of workshop is English
Stefano Cristiano (Project designer and expert of euro-projects)
Alessio Michelotti (Adminsitrator of Open Street aisbl and coordinator of 6 projects
supported by European Community through PAMCE, EACEA, ERASMUS+)
NOTE: Open Street aisbl will release to every participant a certificate of attendance, valid for the single persona as well as for the entity he represents.
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Do not miss this training opportunity, which could revive the European dimension of your activity:
Applications for funding: deadline 18.01.2018
The Culture Agency of the European Community (EACEA) has published the 2018 Call for cooperation projects in the ambit of Creative Europe programme.
Few days ago the awaited 2018 Call for Cooperation Projects in the ambit of CREATIVE EUROPE Programme was published. The deadline for application submission (18th January, 2018) this year allows you to work in a good project with adequate calm. News for 2018: a specific call for the European Year of Cultural Heritage. Open Street aisbl intends to organize a training meeting to help the preparation of good application and to encourage the building of best partnerships. The appointment is on 10th and 11th November in Bruxelles. But let's see the features of the call:
The Creative Europe programme is a 1.46 billion euro programme dedicated to the cultural and creative sector for 2014-2020, it includes two subprogrammes (Culture and MEDIA)
General Aims:
1. To promote and safeguard linguistic and cultural diversity in Europe;
2. Enhancing the competitiveness of the cultural and creative sectors to promote sustainable and inclusive smart growth.
Category 1 - Small-scale cooperation project
Partnership: at least 1 project leader + 2 partners (3 different countries)
EU co-financing: up to 200,000 euros (up to 60% of total costs).
Duration: up to 48 months
Category 2 - Large-scale cooperation Project
Partnership: at least 1 project leader + 5 partners (5 different countries).
EU funding: up to € 2,000,000 (up to 50% of total costs).
Duration: up to 48 months
Call issuing: 18th September 2017
Submission deadline: 18th January 2018
Information to applicants: June 2018
News 2018
- Eligible applicants legally constituted from more than 2 years: this restriction is only applied to the project leader (not to the partners)
- The eForm has been simplified and includes only 3 attachments, compared to 4 of the last year.
- At long last the detailed description of the project has a template, where you will have to present the project, including your work program and the curriculum of project staff (max 30 pages, 3,000 characters per page).
- Tunisia is added to non-EU eligible countries.
A new call is for the European Year of Cultural Heritage (deadline November 22nd)
Projects must aim to
- to reinforce a sense of belonging to a common european space;
- to promote cultural heritage as a source of inspiration for artistic contemporary creation and innovation and strengthen the interaction between the cultural heritage sector and other cultural and creative sectors.
Cooperation project
Partnership: at least 1 project leader + 2 partners (3 different countries)
EU co-financing: up to 200,000 euros (up to 60% of total costs).
Duration: up to 24 months
Creative Europe Cooperation Week-End
BRUSSELS - Fri. 10 - Sat. 11 November 2017
Take part in the workshop that will allow you to apply for the Creative Europe programme in your Performing Arts field.

Open Street aisbl organizes a
two-day workshop in Brussels on Friday 10th and Saturday 11th November. The meeting will be organized at the headquarters of association, at
Rue Washington 40, aiming to understand all the theoretical and practical aspects of the last Creative Europe Call - Cooperation Projects – in order to prepare good applications by the deadline of January 18, 2018.
The staff of Open Street aisbl, relying on its own great experience (3 cooperation projects completed until 2012 and further 3 in progress this year), will accompany you in the study of European cooperation rules, in the adoption of the best project management strategies, in the detection of the best European partnerships, in the knowledge of administrative matters, in drafting a good application.
An international meeting dedicated to members, unique in its kind, being dedicated specifically to the performing arts world. It is also an opportunity to get acquainted new partners with the same interests or converging interests.
The countries which until today have confirmed their participation in the Workshop:
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Friday 10th November 2017
10:00 Welcome coffee
10:30 First session
# Context: Direct funding from UE
# Features of Creative Europe 2014-2020
• Aims and Priorities of program
• Requirements and terms for participation
• The opportunities for the performing arts
• Analysis of 2014-2017 assignments
12:00 Break
12:15 Second session
# Cooperation Projects
• Large Scale and Small Scale
• The priorities of program in the cooperation
• Evaluation criteria
EXERCISE 1 (working teams): to build up an efficient partnership
13:30 Lunch break
15:00 Third Session
# How to compose a successful application
• The approach to the E-form
• How to describe the project
• How to compose an activity plan
16:00 Break
16:30 Fourth Session
EXERCISE 2 (working teams): From the concept to the application
18:00 End of activity
Saturday 11th November 2017
10:00 Welcome coffee
10:30 Fifth Session
# Grant management
• The financial regulation of EU programmes
• Accounting and eligible costs
• Contracting
• Reports and account statements
12:00 Break
12:15 Sixth Session
EXERCISE 3 (working teams): The accounting management of project
13:00 Lunch Break
14:30 Seventh Session
# Build up your partnership with Open Street aisbl
• Presentation of activities of participating entities
• Aims of cooperation in the ambit of performing arts
• Strategies and good practices of cooperation
EXERCISE 4 (working teams): Sharing and implementation of project’s concepts
16:30 End of activities
Seat of workshop: Rue Washington 40, 1050 Ixelles - Bruxelles (BE)
Language: The official language of workshop is English
Stefano Cristiano (Project designer and expert of euro-projects)
Alessio Michelotti (Adminsitrator of Open Street aisbl and coordinator of 6 projects
supported by European Community through PAMCE, EACEA, ERASMUS+)
NOTE: Open Street aisbl will release to every participant a certificate of attendance, valid for the single persona as well as for the entity he represents.
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Do not miss this training opportunity, which could revive the European dimension of your activity: