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To OPEN the city gates to street arts means to bring out the value of open air spaces assigned to social life, to enforce the cohesion inside communities, to improve the local tourist activity, to create new routes for exchange and integration between European countries.

The creation of a international debate, the comparisons between normative and laws, different urban patterns and policies for development and support of street arts, will drive to a new consciousness and will produce new stimulus in administrators and art operators. This route could not be undertaken on a simple regional or local level. Our country, now, is Europe!

Country | Typology | ..... Denomination | ..... Shows | ..... Representative | ..... City | .....    

........ ..... Company..... Die Artistokraten..... ..... Martin van Bracht..... Berlin


........ ..... Company..... Die BlechHarmoniker..... ..... Ulf Engelhardt..... Cologne


........ ..... Company..... Dino Lampa..... ..... Davide Marmorale..... Weinheim


........ ..... Artist..... Diogo Alvares ..... ..... Diogo A Martins ..... Florianopolis


........ ..... Company..... Directie & Co..... ..... Yvonne van den Akker..... Amsterdam


........ ..... Association..... director..... Mayke Heessels..... Doetinchem


........ ..... Company..... dirk van 't sirk..... ..... Dirk Van Bortel..... Antwerpen


........ ..... Company..... DISGUIDO MAGIC..... ..... Guido Marini..... Roma


........ ..... Company..... Dixieland Brass Band..... ..... Dino Mattioni..... Civitella del Tronto...


........ ..... Company..... DJuggledy..... ..... Jan Manske..... Berlin


........ ..... Company..... Djungalo Teatro..... ..... Marcel Hognon..... St Même les Carrière...


........ ..... Festival..... DOCA International Street Fest........ Loz Samuels..... Devizes


........ ..... Company..... dodo harmonica kid..... ..... Edoardo Belcastro..... Santena


........ ..... Company..... Dolly Bomba ..... ..... Piero Massimo Macchi........ Sant'Elpidio a Mare


........ ..... Festival..... Domaine de Chamarande..... Pascal Negron..... Chamarande


........ ..... Artist..... Domenico Ciano..... ..... Domenico Ciano..... Torino


........ ..... Company..... Domopaks..... ..... Paki belmonte..... Torino


........ ..... Company..... DON FIASKO..... ..... Ben Honorez..... Mons


........ ..... Company..... Doncarlos er giocoliere..... ..... Carlo Leonardi..... Montopoli di sabina


........ ..... Company..... DoReMin..... ..... Arjuna Iacci..... Parma


........ ..... Company..... Dottor Stok..... ..... Giulio Ottaviani..... Guiglia (MO)


........ ..... Company..... Dragon Heart Beats..... ..... Paul Streetly..... Brighton


........ ..... Company..... DRAK crew..... ..... Luigi Longobardi..... Battipaglia


........ ..... Company..... Dramagia..... ..... David Blanco a.k.a. ........ Vitoria-Gasteiz


........ ..... Company..... DrevA..... ..... Elena Mushnikova..... Mocow, Russia


........ ..... Agency..... DROM..... Carmina Escardo..... Pont de Molins


........ ..... Company..... Dulce Compania..... ..... Marko Bubke..... Berlin


........ ..... Company..... Duo Abbraccio..... ..... Hannes Goffin ..... Oosterzele


........ ..... Company..... Duo Artemis..... ..... Marta Finazzi..... Genova


........ ..... Company..... Duo BooM..... ..... Gaia ..... Massa Carrara


........ ..... Company..... Duo Desolato..... ..... Merlin Pohse..... Berlin


........ ..... Company..... Duo Einfach Riesig..... ..... Katrin Lachmund..... Schöllkrippen


........ ..... Company..... Duo Figaro..... ..... Ugolini Laura ..... Perugia


........ ..... Company..... Duo Juanma y Mabel..... ..... Juan Manuel Requena..... Valencia


........ ..... Company..... Duo Kaos..... ..... Luis Alejandro Pared........ Tavoleto


........ ..... Company..... Duo Kaos..... ..... Luis Paredes..... Tavoleto


........ ..... Company..... Duo Kate & Pasi..... ..... Katerina Repponen an........ Helsinki


........ ..... Company..... Duo Masawa..... ..... Wanagi Valnei..... Nuoro


........ ..... Company..... Duo Masawa..... ..... Wanagi Valnei..... Nuoro


........ ..... Company..... Duo Niu..... ..... Oren Schreiber..... Lagos


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Creative Commons License

OPEN STREET - Anno 2025 - Association International Sans But Lucratif - Rue Washington 40, Ixelles - 1050 Bruxelles (BE) - infoopen-street.eu