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27 / 7 / 2024 | 1333 members
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To OPEN the city gates to street arts means to bring out the value of open air spaces assigned to social life, to enforce the cohesion inside communities, to improve the local tourist activity, to create new routes for exchange and integration between European countries.

The creation of a international debate, the comparisons between normative and laws, different urban patterns and policies for development and support of street arts, will drive to a new consciousness and will produce new stimulus in administrators and art operators. This route could not be undertaken on a simple regional or local level. Our country, now, is Europe!

Country | Typology | ..... Denomination | ..... Shows | ..... Representative | ..... City | .....    

........ ..... Artist..... TribalNeed..... ..... Riccardo Moretti..... Modena


........ ..... Company..... Trukitrek..... ..... Lu Pulici..... Dosrius


........ ..... Company..... Tumble Circus..... ..... Tina Segner..... Belfast


........ ..... Company..... turukutupa..... ..... Victor garcia de la ........ Antezana de foronda


........ ..... Festival..... Tutti Matti per Colorno..... Leonardo Adorni..... Parma


........ ..... Company..... Ugo Sanchez Jr...... ..... Nardin Guido..... Prato


........ ..... Company..... Ugo Sanchez Jr...... ..... Nardin Guido..... Prato


........ ..... Festival..... Umore Azoka..... Ana López Asensio..... Leioa


........ ..... Festival..... Un Paese in Scena..... Roberto Sala..... Monza


........ ..... Festival..... United for Busking..... Giovanni Amabile..... Rosignano Marittimo


........ ..... Company..... United Kingdom..... ..... Fool's Paradise..... Exeter


........ ..... Company..... Unnico..... ..... Andrea D'amico..... Augusta


........ ..... Company..... Urban Safari..... ..... Jelle de Bruijn..... Amersfoort


........ ..... Company..... UrbanCanvas..... ..... Philip Battle..... Liverpool


........ ..... Festival..... Variety and streetfestival..... Jan van den Berg New........ Geleen


........ ..... Festival..... Veregra Street Festival..... Giuseppe Nuciari..... Montegranaro


........ ..... Company..... Vertical dance..... ..... Daniel Tomás Sanz..... Barcelona


........ ..... Artist..... Victor Rubilar..... ..... Victor Rubilar..... Barcelona


........ ..... Company..... Viola Bruni..... ..... Viola Bruni..... Perugia


........ ..... Company..... Viola ferraris..... ..... Viola ferraris..... Les ulmes


........ ..... Company..... Visitants..... ..... Sonia Alejo..... Vila-real


........ ..... Company..... Visual Puppet Theatre 'Prassei........ ..... Kapokaki Emmanouela..... Athens


........ ..... Company..... Vloeistof..... ..... Anja Reinhardt..... Tilburg


........ ..... Company..... Walk the Plank..... ..... Tor Emms..... Salford


........ ..... Company..... Wanda Circus associazione teat........ ..... Fabio Vignaroli..... San Giovanni in Pers...


........ ..... Company..... wandering star..... ..... Luisa Bertolatti..... Induno olona


........ ..... Festival..... Waves Festival..... Nullo Facchini..... Vordingborg


........ ..... Festival..... Wertep Festival..... Agata Rychcik..... Hajnówka


........ ..... Association..... What is this..... Steve Cousins..... Newcastle upon tyne


........ ..... Company..... What?..... ..... Self..... Barnet


........ ..... Company..... Willy Wonder..... ..... Simon Peter Schewand........ Halver


........ ..... Festival..... Winchester Hat Fair..... Andrew Loretto..... Winchester


........ ..... Company..... Wise Fools..... ..... Valpuri Kaarninen..... Tampere


........ ..... Company..... Wunder Tandem..... ..... Francesca Palombo..... Roma


........ ..... Company..... Xabi Larrea..... ..... Xabi Larrea..... Markina Xemein


........ ..... Company..... Xicana..... ..... Anna Montserrat..... Barcelona


........ ..... Festival..... Xtrax..... Maggie Clarke..... Manchester


........ ..... Company..... Yarleku Teatro..... ..... David Lainez..... Pamplona


........ ..... Festival..... Za Dvermi Festival..... Jakub Vedral..... Prague


........ ..... Company..... Zangania..... ..... Javier Franco García..... Huesca


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Creative Commons License

OPEN STREET - Anno 2024 - Association International Sans But Lucratif - Rue Washington 40, Ixelles - 1050 Bruxelles (BE) - infoopen-street.eu