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To OPEN the city gates to street arts means to bring out the value of open air spaces assigned to social life, to enforce the cohesion inside communities, to improve the local tourist activity, to create new routes for exchange and integration between European countries.

The creation of a international debate, the comparisons between normative and laws, different urban patterns and policies for development and support of street arts, will drive to a new consciousness and will produce new stimulus in administrators and art operators. This route could not be undertaken on a simple regional or local level. Our country, now, is Europe!

Country | Typology | ..... Denomination | ..... Shows | ..... Representative | ..... City | .....    

........ ..... Company..... Pantakin circo teatro..... ..... Emanuele Pasqualini..... Venezia


........ ..... Company..... Paolo Avataneo..... ..... Paolo Avataneo..... Torino


........ ..... Company..... Paolo Sgallini One Man Band..... ..... Paolo Sgallini..... Rimini


........ ..... Company..... Papito..... ..... Edgardo González Cal........ Monachil, Granada


........ ..... Company..... Pappazzum..... ..... Angelo Giacobbe..... Sanremo


........ ..... Company..... Parade78..... ..... Luca Carbone..... Torino


........ ..... Festival..... Passage Festival..... Jens Frimann Hansen..... Helsingřr


........ ..... Festival..... Passagefestival..... Jens Frimann Hansen..... Helsingřr


........ ..... Company..... Pat & Mat..... ..... Alessandro Larocca..... Milano


........ ..... Company..... Pattinaggio Creativo..... ..... Marta Bravin..... Monza


........ ..... Company..... Pavel Vangeli Actor and Puppet........ ..... Pavel Vangeli..... Roztoky


........ ..... Company..... Payaso Loco..... ..... Ricardo Zapata..... Caceres


........ ..... Company..... Pentaclown..... ..... Pasquale Ippolito..... Torino


........ ..... Artist..... Pepa Lopez de Leon..... ..... Francesca Palombo..... Roma


........ ..... Company..... Pepik the clown..... ..... Maria Frepoli..... Sondrio


........ ..... Company..... Pepino sasofone e fedele ukule........ ..... Beppe Boron..... Roma


........ ..... Artist..... Peppino Marabita..... ..... Peppino Marabita..... Turin


........ ..... Company..... Percussionisti Anonimi..... ..... Saini Alessandro..... Monticello Brianza


........ ..... Artist..... Perfect Pitch Productions..... ..... Lee Hayes..... Amsterdam


........ ..... Artist..... performer..... ..... Roberto Sblattero..... Torino


........ ..... Company..... Performer..... ..... Paola Galassi..... Milano


........ ..... Company..... Performing arts..... ..... Kristian Al Droubi..... Novi Sad


........ ..... Company..... Perky & Fiddle..... ..... Laura Stam..... Amsterdam


........ ..... Company..... Pescatune..... ..... Marion..... Saint gervais sur ro...


........ ..... Company..... Pessic de Circ..... ..... Javier Arcos Argemi..... Viladecavalls


........ ..... Company..... Pete Sweet..... ..... Peter Sweet..... Kensington


........ ..... Company..... Peter Weyel..... ..... Peter Weyel..... Freiburg


........ ..... Festival..... Pflasterspektakel..... Kathrin Boehm..... Linz


........ ..... Company..... Physical and theatre..... ..... Alenka Marinič..... Ljubljana


........ ..... Company..... Piano C..... ..... Luca Tresoldi..... Bruxelles


........ ..... Company..... Piccolo Nuovo Teatro..... ..... Giorgia Ceccarelli..... Bastia Umbra


........ ..... Company..... Piccolo Teatro La Fenice..... ..... Gianluca Cerioni..... Vittorio Veneto


........ ..... Company..... Pich..... ..... Lasileartistik..... Noyon


........ ..... Artist..... Piero Ricciardi..... ..... Pierluigi Ricciardi..... Roma


........ ..... Company..... Pikor Teatro..... ..... Miguel Olmeda Freire..... Maeztu


........ ..... Company..... PinkMary..... ..... Maria Luisa Wally Do........ Guiglia


........ ..... Company..... Planet Jump Rope vzw..... ..... Maarten Goedemé..... Antwerpen


........ ..... Company..... PlasticiensVolants..... ..... Philippe Juquin..... Graulhet


........ ..... Company..... Plasticine rain..... ..... Anastasiya Shadrina..... Samara


........ ..... Company..... Play for A.S...... ..... Simone Carnielli..... Mareno di Piave TV


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Creative Commons License

OPEN STREET - Anno 2025 - Association International Sans But Lucratif - Rue Washington 40, Ixelles - 1050 Bruxelles (BE) - infoopen-street.eu