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Order HERE the complete guide to street art in Europe... A veritable handbook for those who want to know more about European Street Performing Arts or who needs to find new channels to spread their activities in the international context.

The European Agenda of Street & Circus Performing Arts Festivals updated month by month

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The first phase of Open Street Showcase is a big success already!

The submission of applications to the Open Street Showcase is over. We are really glad for the big participation and attention received. Open Street has today 950 profiles, of which 213 are new members, 228 applications for the showcase, and 26 participating countries. We are really satisfied for the results achieved up to now!

The commission has already started to vote all videos. Those who are in contest can follow the scoring of own show on Open Street Tube, where videos appears in order of interest. If you want to check your score deeply, you can log in your profile and in the section “your showcase” you will find the updated score, ranking achieved and how many companies or artists will be select as guest in your category.

We want remind to all company and artists, including who has not been able to apply in time, that it is highly recommended to attend to showcase by renting a fair stand. We have set up an appropriate fair space, in the very city centre, so everybody can show own promo stuffs to an exclusive public of art directors, promoters, festival organizers and agencies.

Many thanks to all participants!


A sigh of relief for the European Street Performing Arts.

As requested by many artists and companies, the board of directors of Open Street aisbl has decided to extend the deadline for application to the 3rd International Open Street Showcase, from the 24th to the August 31st, 2014 .

Many companies involved in summer tournées, in fact, have not yet completed the entering of data and videos sharing of their productions. Now they will have a extra time week to do so. The Open Street International Academy will endeavor, however, to selection of 50 companies for the official program within the first week of September.

On August 31st, will be therefore the last opportunity to be part of the International Showcase in Milan. We hope that we can satisfy everyone!

Thank you for joining so numerous from all over the continent and beyond ... We are really pleased by quality and variety of the artistic proposals in this showcase edition.

OPEN STREET 2014 will be a great success !!!

Open Street showcase 2014: the deadline is getting closer!

You still have few days left to catch the opportunity to perform your street show in front of organizers and art directors of dozens of International Street Festivals (click on "Showcase 2014" to check the list, updated daily from 18th August 2014).

In fact, the 24th August 2014 is the last day available if you want participate to online selection of shows to be included in the Official Program of what is going to be the most European event in the ambit of street performing arts: artists, companies, art directors and event organizers from all over Europe will meet in the very centre of Milano for a global 4 days exchange of shows, experiences, proposals, cooperations...artists willing to perform their shows and new productions at one side, festival representatives eager to find good shows for their 2015 events at the other...an explosive combination able to create lots of positive and fruitful results...

Starting from 18th August until early days of September, the Open Street International Academy, consisting of a group of European Art directors (here www.open-street.eu/documents/academy_members_2014.pdf you can see members) will start the online selection of videos...so you are still in time!


Starting from this homepage, once you enter in your Open Street profile you find all info you need. If you have a video of your show already uploaded on a web video platform (youtube,vimeo etc), then the job is almost done!

1) Create your web profile: Click "Join" on the menù here leftside and ask to register AS MEMBER
2) Become member of Open Street no profit int. Association (see instructions upon registration)
3) Embed the video (max 10 mins.) of the show you want to candidate and fill the shows files

Conditions, rules, statute of Open Street association, costs and dimensions of Fair stands are all available in the Open Street showcase section.


Open Street 2014 International Showcase in Milan

Castello Sforzesco and city centre - 9th - 12th October 2014

We are pleased to announce that the City of Milan has accepted our proposal to host the 2014 edition of the Open Street International Showcase from 9th to 12th October 2014. Our idea is to revive the format of the showcases organized ​​in Fermo in 2010 and 2011, trying to create an event also able to have an important impact on Milan, the city that will host the 2015 World EXPO. The City Administration has already given its green light to use the top landmark of Milano: Castello Sforzesco, the very heart of Milan's history and World Heritage Site.

Here there are good bases for the creation of an unprecedented event in Europe, an event marked by cooperation and the promotion of our sector in the European context, an event which is going to put solid roots in Milan and then able to grow and renew itself year by year. The model of event will be mantained more or less the same: the online voting of videos uploaded by artists and companies, the creation of an Official Showcase Program, based on appreciation of videos expressed by festival organizers, the possibility to be inserted in the Off Progam of Showcase, the massive participation of dozens of art directors and event organizers from many European countries...Open Street International Showcase wants to give equal opportunities to all street artists and companies of whole continent, no matter which country they come from! Needless to say that, once more, the web platform of Open Street will be the main support for the online participation of artists and companies, video selection, info dissemination, registration of artists and creation of own online profiles, thus improving what still today can be considered the largest European network on street arts.

We suggest to keep your eyes here on Open Street homepage: shortly you will find the participation calls for artists, companies and art operators....don't miss the opportunity to be part of the most exciting and...European event in the ambit of street performing arts of our continent.....Open Street crosses Europe!

The Open Street journey restarts again…

In June 2012 the Open Street project, supported by the EU Culture commission, concluded its 24 months period of activity.Nevertheless, many persons involved in project, who deepen their relationship thanks to activities carried out in the ambit of Open Street from 2010, decided that the conclusion of such an important moment of sharing, meeting and mutual friendship must indeed represent a founding stone for further important steps in order not to jeopardize the excellent results obtained by 2 years of cooperation.
Therefore, a group of Open Street network members decided to found in Belgium the first international no profit Association ever created in the ambit of European street and urban performing arts: on 17th October 2012, in front of notary Mr. Regis Dechamps in Brussels, 8 members have founded the Open Street Association Internationale Sans But de Lucre (a.i.s.b.l.), with seat in Av. de la Chasse 6 - 1040 Etterbeek/Bruxelles. The Statute of association is available through this link:

The Open Street a.i.s.b.l. founders are: Giuseppe Nuciari (Comune di Montegranaro); Luigi Russo (Federazione Nazionale Arte di Strada – IT); Piotr Chlipalski (Manana Productions Gliwice – PL); Caric Alexsandar (Association Inbox Novi Sad – SRB); Gabriele Koch (Neue Gruppe Kulturarbeit Bremen - DE); Fabrice Froger (Ville de Rochefort – FR); Costantin Chiriac (Teatrul Natiunal Radu Stanca Sibiu -RO); Ana Lopes Asensio (Ayuntamiento de Leioa - ES).

Shortly, in order to consolidate and enrich the network of adherents created in occasion of Open Street initiatives, the association will start a massive campaign for adhesion to association, addressed to artists, companies, art operators, public and private bodies of whole Europe.

After the brilliant success of 2010 and 2011 editions of Open Street Showcases in Italy, many European artists and operators expected the 2012 edition. However, the EU support to Open Street cooperation project, indispensable to grant the carrying out of such big events, ended in June 2012. Nevertheless, we have never stopped our activity in favour of European street performing arts: willing to repeat this successful experience also in future, the founders of Open Street a.i.s.b.l., with the support of the City Administration of Veroli (IT) as Project Leader, have submitted to EU commission for culture a new 24 months project in occasion of the 2012 Call for Cultural activities (Strand 1.2.1. - cooperation), called “S.P.A.C.E. Europe” (Street Performing Arts Cooperation Embracing Europe). If the project is supported by EU Commission, then two further editions of International showcase will be programmed in Montegranaro (Oct. 2013) and Ferrara (Oct.2014). You can download a brief summary of application to following link:

Of course we will inform immediately whole network about developments of SPACE application. The answer from European Commission should arrive in February 2013. Furthermore, we will keep you informed about the activity plan of the new Open Street association: new services in favour of artists and art operators will be shortly implemented.

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OPEN STREET TUBE, European Performing Art Video Archive

The meeting place for live performances buyers and sellers !!

UPLOAD your productions and highlight them in OPEN STREET TUBE, to propose them on festivals across Europe.

TAKE PART in periodical International Showcase, in order to test ONLINE the interest of operators in your artistic proposals.

To OPEN the city gates to performing arts means to bring out the value of open air spaces assigned to social life, to enforce the cohesion inside communities, to improve the local tourist activity, to create new routes for exchange and integration between European countries.

The creation of a international debate, the comparisons between normative and laws, different urban patterns and policies for development and support of performing arts, will drive to a new consciousness and will produce new stimulus in administrators and art operators. This route could not be undertaken on a simple regional or local level. Our country, now, is Europe!

Creative Commons License

OPEN STREET - Anno 2025 - Association International Sans But Lucratif - Rue Washington 40, Ixelles - 1050 Bruxelles (BE) - infoopen-street.eu