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mercoledì 23 / 10 / 2024 | 1340 membri
ID: Psw: Scordati ID & PSW



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Ordina QUI la guida completa all'arte di strada in Europa... Un vero e proprio vademecum per chi vuole conoscere più da vicino lo spettacolo di strada europeo o ha bisogno di trovare nuovi canali per diffondere le proprie attività nel contesto internazionale.

L'Agenda Europea dei Festival delle Street & Circus Performing Arts aggiornata mese per mese

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The senior creative teams of Festival of Fools (Belfast) and Open Street aisbl (Brussels) have completed the selection of proposals for the participation in the Mysteries & Drolls 2021 showcase, dedicated to artists & companies up to 3 components.

The initiative was a success beyond any expectations, registering almost 100 proposals coming from 20 EU countries and UK.

The complete list of applications is available at this address: https://www.populartheatre.eu/applications-2021/

Unfortunately, some applications did not meet the participation requirements, because they came from countries outside those eligible (eg Switzerland and non-EU), or because they saw more than 4 members on stage.

The results will be published Saturday 6th February at 16:00 (Brussels time) on the Mysteries & Drolls website at the page:https://www.populartheatre.eu/results-showcase-2021/

For any further information, kindly contact the Open Street secretariat through the email address network(-at-)open-street.eu


24 & 25 Febbraio 2021, Edizione Online. La Call per artisti e compagnie è stata chiusa il 16 gennaio. La registrazione per Organizzatori resterà aperta dal 19 Gennaio al 17 Febbraio 2021.

Mysteries & Drolls EU Showcase 2021

In February 2021 Festival of Fools will host the second International Showcase of the Mysteries and Drolls project seeking to revive the European Popular Theatre, rediscovering ancient street theatre and the role of the buffoon through the contemporary theater work. We have closed the artists & companies applications the 16th January 2021 with 97 applications from 22 european countries. The proposals came from the sectors like street theatre, puppetry, contemporary circus, contemporary dance, performance. 25 of these will be selected for the showcase.


What is the showcase?
The showcase is an online industry event, an opportunity for programmers to see street theatre work and for artists to meet programmers. The aim is to create programming opportunities for festivals, and bookings for artists. The showcase will be attended by at least 30 international programmers from a range of European countries who will each be seeking to book at least one show from those featured.


When will it happen?
The showcase will be presented by Festival of Fools on the 24th and 25th February 2021, from approximately 10am to 3pm each day (UK time). If selected as Artist or Company, you will need to participate in half a day of online activity with us on one of these days. If selected as Festival Organiser or Programmer, you can stay with us for the entire two-day program. There will be the opportunity for programmers to network together informally and participate in group discussion. We are working hard to make the days as varied and engaging as possible.


What is involved?
During the event we will be screening trailers of the selected shows, and the show creators will take part in a hosted Q&A attended by festival directors and programmers. For Artists & Companies: One-person shows receive a fee of € 100,00 for participating, duos receive € 200,00 and trios receive € 300,00. For programmers: The first 30 organisations to register for a place will receive a contribution of € 100,00 after they have attended the event and completed a very short survey.



I bandi per le candidature già disponibili

The Open Street Association keeps frequent contacts with main European events in order to achieve all useful info for artists and companies. In this period the programmers begin to fix dates, contact companies and launch the application for participation to their events. Here you can findthe result of our first round of contacts. Just click on festival name to go straight to the application! Look out! Some deadlines are just ROUND THE CORNER!


Maybe the worst is passing !!

Interactive Coronavirus Travel Regulations Map

Below you can find the dates by which some European countries will re-open their public cultural events. If you have further information from your country, please write to us by replying to this email.

WARNING: these data may not be completely updated. Please check the government websites of each country for confirmation.


Visto il progressivo miglioramento delle condizioni della pandemia e l'allentamento delle norme di sicurezza in molti paesi europei, il 18 maggio 2020 Open Street aisbl ha deciso di fare un censimento del circuito europeo dei festival delle performing arts e ha lanciato un'agenda europea dove gli operatori di ogni paese potranno annotare le date dei festival cancellati / da confermare / confermati. Questa iniziativa mira a promuovere la programmazione artistica e a difendere la catena creativa.

Puoi contribuire inserendo tu stesso le date del tuo evento internazionale. Se sei un artista è conosci tutti i dati dei festival che ti ospitano quest'anno, puoi collaborare all'Agenda anche tu.


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OPEN STREET TUBE, l'archivio video dello spettacolo dal vivo europeo

Il luogo di incontro tra chi vende e chi compra spettacoli dal vivo in Europa

CARICA le tue produzioni è mettile in vetrina sull'OPEN STREET TUBE per proporti ai festival di tutta Europa.

PARTECIPA alle Vetrine Internazionali periodiche per testare online l'interesse degli operatori verso le tue proposte artistiche.

Aprire le porte della città alle arti performative significa evidenziare il valore degli spazi urbani destinati alla vita sociale, rafforzare la coesione all'interno delle comunità, incrementare l'attività turistica locale, creare nuovi percorsi per lo scambio e l'integrazione tra i diversi paesi europei.

La creazione di un dibattito internazionale, il confronto tra leggi, normative, modelli di strategia urbana e politiche per lo sviluppo delle arti performative potranno condurre ad una nuova presa di coscienza e produrrà nuovi stimoli per amministratori e operatori artistici. Tale percorso non potrebbe essere intrapreso ad un semplice livello regionale o locale. Il nostro paese, ora, è l'Europa!

Creative Commons License

OPEN STREET - Anno 2024 - Association International Sans But Lucratif - Rue Washington 40, Ixelles - 1050 Bruxelles (BE) - infoopen-street.eu